Since it was decided that there are not any current surgical options for Emma, we all decided that it would be best for her to be brought back to Dallas so that she can be near family. Emma was medically transported back to Dallas on May 26. Since our arrival back in Dallas, we have been doing our best to get this team caught up on her last couple of months in Boston as well as to continue to manage her medical care.
However, Emma decided to have other plans. She developed another peritoneal infection, so we had to remove her abdominal drain. Well, like the vicious cycle it is, Emma is accumulating fluid in her abdomen again. She had had fevers with this, but continues to act like she feels okay. The unfortunate thing is that we had to pull her abdominal drain due to the infection. Since then, Emma's abdomen keeps getting bigger and bigger. She will be getting some sort of drain soon. We are trying to work all of those details out right now. The main goals right now are to get her where she can be stable enough to go home.
Please pray that our big meeting next Tuesday goes well and we can develop a plan that works in the best interest of Emma.
Pray that her respiratory and peritoneal infection will go away.
God is Good! All the time! God is good! Thank you for the continued prayers and support.