Friday, March 16, 2012

Working SOOOOO Hard

Working So Hard….

Having Emma home is an amazing feeling.  I cannot put into words what it feels like to FINALLY be HOME as a family.   It is the little things in life like using my own dishes, towels, sheets, etc. that bring happiness into my day. Life continues to be busy, but so fulfilling. 

Scott and I continue to work on getting the house organized, decorated, and settled.  Scott is still working in Oklahoma for the most part, so he spends a lot of time on the road. 

Emma has a VERY full schedule that keeps us very busy.  Emma sees a physical therapist, occupational therapist, and speech therapist each twice a week for a total of 6 therapy sessions a week.  Then there is Mommy Boot Camp.  All of her workouts are paying off though.  Emma is wanting to put more weight in her legs and drum roll please…….Emma can sit on her own for almost AN HOUR!!  She is getting so strong both physically and in will as well.  Don’t get me wrong, her “strong-will” has helped get her this far, but man oh man can she be SASSY!

We are also beginning to be very clingy with mommy!  She has started to say MMMMa, MMMMa, whenever she gets frustrated, upset, scared, etc.  I love how much she wants to be with me, but want her to be accepting of other people.  She was around so many people for so long that she was not nervous, but now that it is mainly just Emma and I all day she is more leery of new people or people she has not seen in awhile.  So, in order to help her get over this little stage, her Daddy is working with her on therapies more, and her Gramma, Grampa, and Aunt Joni are keeping her and letting me get out of the house when they are here. 

We have loved this beautiful weather God is blessing us with so much lately. 

Emma had a cardio appointment today that went well.  Emma is now on only 2 diuretics (which is a HUGE accomplishment for her), her labs looked good, and so did she.   Dr. Lemler was very happy with what he saw, so we only have to go the the Cardiologist every three weeks now...shh..don't tell Emma :)  That is a good thing because that means less exposure to germs.  April will be very busy for Emma including visits to: Cardiologist, Nephrologist, Neurologist, Cranio/Plastics, and I am pretty sure a Pediatrician visit for shots, and fluoride for her teeth will also be thrown in there.

Some of Emma’s new accomplishments and favorites:

1.     New Favorite Song: “Itsy Bitsy Spider”
2.     New Favorite “Food” Coffee Creamer
3.     New Favorite Toy “Walker and Drum”
4.     New Favorite Activity “Sitting All By Herself”

Enjoy the pictures...

God is Good!  All the TIme!  God is Good!

WOW!  I am WAY off of the ground!

Showing g-gma how to work my toy!

Hanging with my g-gpa!

PaPa and MawMaw telling me funny stories!

Second Hair Cut

HEE HEE!  I found my sucker Grampa brought me!

Mom is making me work TOO HARD!

I got mad and pulled my tube out!

This is my MAD FACE!

Then I thought I was quite clever!  TADA!


  1. Scott and Sarah, Loved the latest pictures and so glad Emma is doing so well.She is really changing. Thanks for keeping us all involved. We continue to pray for all of you. Love, Kendall and Darla

  2. Yay Emma!!! We love you sweet baby girl!

  3. Just love the "mad face". Don't you wonder what she is thinking at that moment.? She is so cute.

  4. Sarah, I am so glad that Emma is doing so well. I pray for you guys all the time. I think your faith and trust in God is Amazing! I try very hard to have the same kind of faith! Your family is an inspiration! Hugs Amber
