Thursday, September 27, 2012

Update on Miss Emma

So I thought I would get on here and type an update of some new things in Emma's life and some exciting things she has done recently.

Emma is enjoying more and more food each day.  She has recently started eating pasta primavera baby food which has chunks of pasta, a huge accomplishment for her to eat food with solid substances in it!  Yay!!  She is also eating the little kids puffs snacks.  She is not too sure of them, but once we get it in her mouth she seems to like the taste.  We are still working with her on taking in more fluids by mouth.  She does not really like that, but it is a work in progress.  Small steps are still steps!

Emma recently went to the state fair of Oklahoma.  We took her stroller and rain cover (which came in very handy as it did rain when we were there) and she seemed content most of the day.  She was in sensory overload seeing all those people and just kept looking at everyone that would come near her! ;)  It was so neat to see her expressions of things and watch her looking at people going by her stroller.  This was a huge step for her.  She usually does not do too well in situations where she has to be in one place, i.e. her stroller, for long periods of time.  She did so good though and we were so proud of her.  She even got to go and watch the Disney on ice show!  She loved the lights and the music until she had a diaper and then it was no fun for a few minutes until we changed her! Hehe!  All in all it was a long fun filled day for us and we were so glad she got to partake in that experience and was well behaved!

Emma has been coming to church both Sunday morning and Sunday nights with us!  She is doing so well sitting through the whole worship service.  She hardly throws fits and just sits contently in the chair in between Sarah and me.  We haven't had anymore blasting "PEEK-A-BOO BARN!" app noises occur during the prayer, which is a good thing.  I am sure everyone around us is thankful of that.  Funny story though, Emma loves playing with hair.  She would play with Sarah's hair for hours if we would let her.  So one Sunday we are sitting there and they announce for everyone to stand up for the closing song.  Well Sarah, Emma, and I stand up and I glance over to see Emma reaching for the woman's hair that is in front of us!!!!  (Inside I'm thinking,"OHHHHHHH NOOOO!!!!!" HAHA)  Sarah thankfully grabs her hand before she can connect.  We laughed about that for probably 20 min!  I guess it was Emma's way of "reaching out" to her! :)

Emma also recently made a trip up to her Gramma and Grandpa's house to see the ducks that live on their pond.  They have names but I'm not 100% what they were so I won't put them on here.  Last I heard, there was a debate about the names because it is thought that they are both male ducks not a male and female.  :)  Anyways, she got to see the ducks up close which was neat for her due to them coming up and eating out of our hands!   Emma, though, was not too sure of the ducks and did whine and cry a little when they came close, but still a neat experience!  She also got to ride on Grandpa's tractor, which she, for the most part, enjoyed!

All in all, we have had a lot of fun as a family these past weeks.  We are so proud of her for not screaming through all of these new experiences as they could have potentially been very scary for her.  Sarah and I are so proud of her and the progress she is making.  It may be small steps, but like I said earlier, steps non-the-less.

Prayer Requests:
1)  Continue to pray for Emma's future.  That God makes her plan known to all the doctors and to us.
2)  Continue to pray that she keeps making good strides with her therapy.

Thank you all for the prayers, thoughts, and love that you constantly show our family.  We love each of you and are so blessed to have so many caring, wonderful, uplifting people in our lives!

God is good, all the time!  And all the time, God is good!

Daddy Scott
(aka- Papa Bear)


  1. How exciting!! Loved the newest note. So glad you all got to go to the fair. That was wonderful and so much fun. Sounds like Miss Emma is having some very good experiences. Our prayers continue. Love, Kendall and Darla

  2. Precious pictures. Emma is a beautiful little girl.

  3. We enjoyed the update, Scott! It is always exciting to hear about our granddaughter's latest adventures and activities. Her photos make us smile! She is absolutely perfect to us, and we miss her when we are apart! May God continue to bless you three. Love from Nana Jana, PaPa Steve, and Aunt Stacey

  4. LOVE this update! :) What an amazing little girl!!

  5. What a happy Emma post, praying for your family.
