Friday, September 23, 2011

Fabulous Friday

Fabulous Friday

Today has been another good day for Miss Emma.  They removed her intracardiac lines today which means--------WE GOT TO HOLD HER!  They are switching all of her meds to PO (by mouth, or in her case by NG tube). 

They also split her chest tubes to see which side is draining the most.  This will help them determine if and what side chest tubes they can pull out.  Her drainage has slowed way down, which is a good thing. 

It seems that her incision site is beginning to itch.  Emma has really tried to claw at it today so we have spent a lot of time keeping her preoccupied with toys, books, and Baby Einstein. 

They are telling us that more than likely, they will take Emma to the OR on Monday to remove her central line.  Her central line stopped working the Saturday before her surgery and is an infection risk if left in.  They are also trying to work out a plan with Ophthalmology to probe her clogged tear duct at the same time.  While we are not 100% certain this will happen, please be praying that if it does she will do well through it and will be able to be extubated quickly.  We hate that she has to be intubated so soon, but know that this needs to be done. 

Prayer Requests:
1.     Please pray that Emma continues to recover quickly and fully.
2.     Please pray that Emma’s upcoming procedures are smooth and without complications.  Also, that Emma can be extubated quickly afterwards.
3.     Please pray that Emma is as pain free as possible.
4.     Please pray for the doctors, surgeons, and nurses in charge of her care.
5.     Please pray for our fellow heart buddies.  There are some families we know that have not gotten great news this week and could really use our encouragement and prayers.  I will say pray for baby “G”  and her family.

As always, we love and appreciate the support and prayers.  We are truly blessed.

God is Good!  All the time! God is good!

Family Time!

Love our Daddy!

I will get you with my foot Gramma!

Playing with Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Just can't get any more precious than this!!!!!!!The pictures are absolutely adorable. She is beautiful and "love the hair". You all are having a ball with her and it is wonderful. She is a little trooper. Go, sweet baby, GO!
