Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Road Ahead

Let me start off by saying that everyone here is pleased with how Emma is doing!  What an answered prayer!!!!  :)  Now, we are not quite ready to go home yet...  She still needs to get this broviac line out since it is a definite infection risk!  To do that, however, she has to go to the OR and have one of the surgeons remove the line.  Since this has to be done, we are going to have them probe her clogged tear duct in her eye so that we don't have to do that at a later time.  They have not set a time for this to all occur but it will more than likely be sometime early this week. 

Emma got to have her chest tubes removed today.  They were no longer draining enough to be left in.  She also got her pacing wires removed during this as well.  We even got the okay to take her temp probe and two sensors that monitor oxygen sats off.  So, lots of things removed from her which no doubt make her feel better, but make it even easier to hold her and play with her!!!! ;)

All in all, she has had a really good day with lots of smiles, lots of play time, and holding time.  We look forward to the days ahead as she continues to recover!

Some prayer requests:
1)  Pray for Emmas upcoming trip to the OR, that it goes smoothly and they are able to achieve everything they set out to do.
2)  Pray Emma continues to recover each day.
3)  Pray for the doctors, nursing staff, and all the staff here at Childrens as they take amazing care of Emma!

As always, we give the thanks to God who continues to richly bless our family each and everyday.  God is good, all the time.  And all the time, God is good!

Scott, Emma, and Gramma!  Learning how to give Emma's shots.

Hi, Grampa! 

Two Peas in a Pod :)


  1. That last picture is classic! Love it! Praying for continued recovery and a safe line removal. Go, Emma, go!

  2. So glad to hear the GREAT updates on Emma! The love and care she receives from her family play a BIG part in her recovery success.

    Prayers continue for all of you and the specific needs ahead.

  3. Loving the last picutre so VERY sweet! Praying for home soon.
