Sunday, October 17, 2010

Needing Prayers

Well, just like when she first got her breathing tube out, her right upper part of her lung has collapsed.  Her left lung has a bunch of secretions in it and one part in the middle of her right lung has a lot of secretions in it.  They have tried increasing the flow of oxygen going into her lungs to see if that will help.  Now they are going to hook her up to a Cipap machine.  This machine is supposed to use varying pressures to help open up collapsed lungs.

Please be praying that this machine does the trick and opens up her lungs.  If it does not work, then they may have to re-intubate her (put the breathing tube back in), and we don't want to have to do that.  So please pray that her lungs will open and look amazingly better after they put her on this machine.

Daddy Scott


  1. We are praying hard that the cpap works and that Emma doesn't have to be reintibated. It is such a fine line knowing what their little lungs can do. Weston was on the ventilator for 3 months. I pray that her little lungs can get rid of the extra secretions and that they will re inflate and work the way God made them. Praying that she doesn't need a high oxygen flow and pressure.

    You all are in our thoughts and prayers always.

    The Rogers family

  2. Wr are lifting up Sweet Emma up to the Lord and we stand in faith that her lungs will heal and the scecrtions will be small. We pray for comforty and healing and strength and energy for sweet Emma.

  3. Sweet baby, stay strong! God, send comfort and strength to her and to her family!

  4. Hi! My name is Maribeth Gillis. I'm 25 years old and also have HLHS. I live in the Dallas area and would LOVE to come see/meet/visit with y'all sometime this week if possible :) please feel free to e-mail me at God Bless!

  5. I am a high school friend of Jana. Love and prayers to all of the family. Special prayers to Emma that God will watch over her and provide what is needed for her healing.
    I pray also for the endurance it takes for the family to make it through this trying time.

    Judy Spencer(Boling)
